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The Secret To Long-Term, Successful Parenting

Routines and rituals are essential for children to thrive. Think of it this way: most adults get anxious about the unknown. If that’s true, how does a child feel when there’s no rhythm to their life? Of course they will be anxious!

Routines and rituals helps kids discover the “rules” of life.

They give kids a clear idea of how to navigate their worlds. Adding a level of predictability also teaches kids their parent is dependable and safe. Here are some ideas to do so:

1. Start with your routines

You don’t need to overhaul your life to get started. You can start with routines you already have in place. What are some things you do everyday?

Wash dishes

Relax on the couch

Eat a meal

Now, how can you adjust these so they include a positive interaction with your child? This is enough to get you started on a routine that will help your child thrive.

2. Join routines that are already occurring.

If it’s impossible for your kids to join you, then consider joining your kids for things they are doing everyday. Bedtimes, meal times, extracurricular activities, and religious gatherings are all opportunities for you to consistently have a positive interaction with your child.

3. Develop a completely new routine

For some, the best option will be to establish something completely new. If this is you, think about something you can do everyday to connect with your child in two minutes or less. After doing that for 3 consecutive weeks, build on it until you have the routine you want.

Kids thrive when they have a consistent relationship with their parents. Imagine how predictable, positive interactions can impact them over time. 📈 With enough structure, you’ll be amazed at what they’re capable of.

Helping parents thrive in their relationships with their kids is a passion of mine! As a Registered Psychotherapist, I help parents understand themselves and understand their kids. Send me a message to learn more about how I can help you.

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